Friday, June 18, 2010


Okay Hi Everyone,

1) You're all liars and I'm revoking your admin privledges (NOT)

2) I had an idea was actually inspired to work on a painting for the first time in a long ass time. Unbelievable!!!!! So now I need some stupid fucking supplies. At least I can jack paint and brushes. I hate buying canvas. If I'm not willing to pay that much for a roll of chartreuse crushed velvet (which my little heart so desperately yearns for), I'm not willing to pay for canvas. Whatever. Stupid.

3) I want to do something with the flower photos I've been taking at work. They are really interesting and I hate how Nature looks so fake when anyone paints it or even takes a really super good photo. I'm all "PHOTOSHOP ALERT" Nah Mean?????????? SUGGESTIONS????

4) You assholes better do something or I'm going to come over and do something about it.

Love always,